Just when I began to feel I would have to choose between
eating and breathing, I woke up one morning to a pleasant surprise: my belly
was a little lower than it had been. I looked down and it seemed a bit further
away. I double checked in the mirror, but had to confirm with Cris before I was
entirely convinced. My belly was definitely dropping. I took a deep breath and
it felt easier than it had in weeks.
There are some definite advantages to my new body
composition. In addition to no longer feeling like I’m going to suffocate, I
can finish a normal sized meal, I've hardly had any heartburn and it’s much
harder for Baby to get his/her foot wedged under my rib cage, though not
However, as with all the joys of parenthood, there are some
drawbacks. The further baby gets from my rib cage, the further she/he gets into
my pelvis. This is good. It means we’re getting closer to B-Day. But it hurts
like a bitch. The weight of baby on my lower abdominal muscles and pelvic bone
is like a constant workout. When I get up after sitting or lying down for
awhile, I feel as if I’d been going hard on the thighmaster and bicycle
crunches. Not that feeling you get right after you work out, but the one you
get the next day after your body has had a chance to realize what you did to
Now that space is at a premium, Baby can’t move around as
much. But head movements, however slight, are all up on my cervix. Years ago I
had to have my cervix biopsied to double check some abnormal cells. This is a comparable
feeling. When baby hits a nerve, it’s like a bolt of electricity running
through my vag. It’s worst when I’m walking, which is something that I've been
trying to do as much as possible because it helps prepare Baby and Momma for
At this point, Baby’s arrival is just a matter of time. One
way or another, he/she’s gotta come out within the next few weeks. So far, I’ve
managed to keep my skin intact, but I’m starting to feel like my muscles are
tearing apart. I’m really hoping for sooner rather than later, or at least
before anything breaks. But if Baby still has important things to do before
birth, I guess I’m willing to wait.v